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3 Reasons Every Company Should Have A Blog

Blogging is nothing new. In fact, there are millions of different blogs on the internet today: food blogs, mothering blogs, political blogs, etc.  While blogging may seem like a good idea for someone who needs a space to share their thoughts or opinions, it is especially so for companies big and small. Why? Here are 3 great reasons every company should have a blog.


To paraphrase Bill Gates in an article he wrote back in ’96, content will be where the real money is made online. Although there may be a few people still stumbling into their local libraries or picking up their local directory, the internet is where people will read about your business or your industry before they ever enter your doors. Forrester Research found that B2B prospects could be anywhere between 60-90% sold from the content they find online before contacting a sales person. What this means for you is that if you don’t have anything to say to them online they won’t really have anything to say to you either.


This is a great concept I present when talking with new clients.  Many of them are very concerned with ranking first online in their various industries.  While pay-per-click (PPC) seems to be the quickest way to get to the top of the search results, once the money is gone so are your search results.  Although we do utilize  PPC for some newer business to help get them started, we always do so in conjunction with content creation to maximize their online presence. Creating content like a blog article is a great way to rank for keywords and to boost your overall search engine optimization (SEO). Every time you publish an article, you create another page for your business to be found online. In essence, you are creating more bricks for your “online establishment” with each new article.


Another great concept to present to new clients is the idea of creating thought leadership in their industries or specialties. When talking about creating “content” we are not talking about adding just anything, we are talking about content tailored to your best customer. It should answer their questions, dispel common myths or misconceptions, and genuinely address their needs and concerns. By writing content that is appropriately tailored to your best customer(s), you will create happy customers. Content creation will help you establish an information hub where others can interact and consult as their go-to resource for great information about your industry or specialty.

Like any good thing, blogging takes time to build up traction. If done well and consistently it can be your best online asset.

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