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4 Ways Business Leaders Can Implement Effective Communication

In business, much like life, building a winning team requires effective communication. This is not only true within departments, but for the overall organization. In order to understand all expectations and desired outcomes, team members must work on ways to be open and concise. Although this is easier said than done, there are a few ways business leaders can implement better communication within their own organization.


One of the best ways to practice this is by starting with the main point first, then work on the details. Having a legal background may have some influence here, but as any great lawyer knows the shorter and more concise, the better. Why? Because it means that the person doing the communicating understands the ideas or topics they are discussing. They have taken the time to learn what really matters and won’t waste your time sharing anything extra. This skill is great not just for speaking with colleagues, but for delivering presentations and demonstrating confidence. When you spend too long getting to the point, minds begin to wander and eventually miss it. So start with the main details and elaborate as needed.


Another positive form of communication is feedback. Just like the example above, meaningful feedback is great if it is concise and includes suggestions for improvement. It is also effective for helping another team member understand specific areas needing attention in their work. It is important to listen, to be conscientious of their response, and to be available when other team members need advice.


One of the easiest ways to work on this one is to make sure that you understand what is needed from you or your department. To do this, you must ask questions and stay in contact with the people you report to and are required to work with. It doesn’t hurt to make friends with the other departments as well. The more you understand the bigger picture the more valuable you are to the company and more successful the business will be overall. Communicate often and listen.


Lastly, you should use communication to reinforce the key strategic and cultural messages of your business. In fact, communication should be embedded into your cultural DNA. This concept should be practiced in every department, especially sales and marketing. Everyone in the organization deserves to know the company’s strategy. They should not only understand it, but practice it. If team members can work collaboratively with other departments, have a clear understanding of what is expected of them, and establish direction, they can help align strategies and increase overall performance.Again, these may take time to fully implement, but that is why it must start from the top down – created in culture, practiced in life.  In the end, businesses who understand the value of effective communication will not only be the most successful, but create an environment that attracts employees and clients alike.

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