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Why Creating Buyer Personas is So Helpful for Businesses


When creating a marketing plan for your business, one of the first things you should establish is a clear definition or description of your best customer(s). We call these descriptions ‘buyer personas’. You should include the types services or goods they’re looking for in addition to focusing on what their daily life looks like. Think about their core demographics and job titles. Do they have kids, families, homes, etc.?


friends.jpgBuyer Personas represent your ideal customer(s) using generalized, fictional characteristics. They allow you to better understand your customer(s) so you can tailor your marketing efforts and content directly to them.  In a perfect world you would collect data from some of your existing customers. You could do this by conducting interviews or tracking user analytics. This would allow you to segment your customers to better meet their core concerns, needs, and behaviors. Note: you may have anywhere from 1-3 core customer personas when you are a new business. This number may grow as your business grows.


By understanding the characteristics of your ideal customer(s) you can market directly to those who seem to be the right fit for your businesses’ services or goods. While it is common for many businesses – particularly new ones – to think that everyone is a potential customer, unless you narrow down your audience you will find it very difficult to be all things for everyone. In turn, your business will suffer. By focusing your efforts on your best customer(s), you can cut out the clutter and waste of previous marketing campaigns that were not aligned with your personas. You can put more effort and funds into new campaigns that are more aligned – creating better return on investment overall.

To Learn How You Can Create Your Own Buyer Personas,
Download our Free Worksheet!

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Buyer Personas, Creating Content, Inbound Marketing

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