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How to Create Unique Social Media Posts

How to Create Unique Social Media Posts

As a business operating in today’s world, it’s crucial to have a substantial online presence. Not only do you need to have a functional, engaging website, but you need to have active social media accounts across a number of platforms. By active, we mean that you should be regularly posting content and engaging with your followers or other influencers in your niche. Doing so will help you grow your audience base, increase brand awareness, and make your social media efforts more successful. If all you do is post a quick sentence with a link or an image, you’re going to fall short. That’s why we’ve put together some important information on how to create unique social media posts.

Focus on Your Audience

Define the people you’re trying to target and create content and posts for them specifically. Don’t worry about gaining followers just for the sake of it. Think about what your target audience wants and curate posts for them. \

Stay on Top of Trends

Social media platforms keep evolving and they’ll continue to do so. You need to keep up with these trends. Create stories on Facebook or Instagram for your audience to get a behind the scenes look into your business or your culture. Consider doing live Q&As and always download and learn how to operate the newest platforms. As long as you keep up, you’ll be able to grow with your followers.

Be Credible

Creating a unique post is a great way to grab the attention of your followers. However, you need to be credible. Don’t use click bait and avoid linking to spam content. 

Create Value and Connection

Speaking of click bait, never post things that don’t add value to your page. Yes, you can share memes or contribute to current events, but create captions that allow people to relate to your business or show the value of your company. There are so many companies that treat their social media accounts as personal accounts and it’s a huge deterrent for members of their target audience.

Aim for Conversation

Unique social media posts generate a lot of engagement. Aim for conversation starters and keep up with current events and news. Create social media posts that relate your business and the world, but avoid posting any controversial opinions, political, or religious views.

Include a Call to Action

Social media posts don’t have to be shared just for the sake of sharing. Always try to tie in a call to action to generate more visits to your websites, soft leads, or even just encourage conversation.

Creating unique social media posts can take some time, but find your company’s voice and run with it. Some of the most successful businesses have found theirs through witty or sarcastic customer service posts! Find out what works and what doesn’t and then keep producing those types of posts.

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