How to Stay Productive while Traveling For Work
Staying productive on business trips can be difficult to manage, especially when traveling is frequent and the workload is steady. I don’t mean just working on things like presentations for meetings, the reasons for your travels. I’m talking about the everyday tasks that also require your time. This could be work for other clients, managing a team, or running your own business.
Depending on where you are going and what’s on your to-do list, there are a few things I’ve found to help me focus on the tasks at hand. Use these tips to stay productive and maintain your sanity and health.
Over the years, I have become adamant about having everything I need to do at my fingertips. With cloud computing, this has become easier, but make sure that before you leave you have allowed all of your devices to properly sync. Especially devices that you may only use for traveling like pads and smaller laptops, so that you can have easy access to your work. That being said, make sure that you either can use your device as a hotspot or pay a bit extra on the plane to get wifi.
Traveling often brings with it down time. If you have 40+ minutes to write the next article, the next blog, why not seize the opportunity? Planes tend to be the best, because if you don’t want to pay for wifi you can still write content. For example, I am currently writing this article on my cab ride from NYC to Staten Island between meetings. In addition to writing, long trips allow you to read new articles on your industry, or your client’s industry, which can help generate ideas for future content. Both of these are particularly helpful to reduce the workload during the week if you happen to be traveling on the weekends.
While the first two suggestions are related to work product, one of the biggest things I have learned is to set aside some time during my trips to make sure I am staying healthy and not burning out. Some of the best ways I have found, particularly for when traveling overseas or to Asia, is to get in a workout to stimulate blood flow and recharge creativity.
In the end, the goal is to balance what you are doing so that you can stay sharp, but not overdo it. If you have an opportunity to catch a game, get a nice meal, and some extra sleep, do it.
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