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Be a Leader and Set SMART Goals!

Every business has a leader. Maybe I should rephrase that and say every business needs a leader.  A fearless leader who motivates and impresses everyone. Someone who has the right stuff as they say, not just with their knowledge but with their likability. There are moments when you think to yourself, here is someone that has their shit together. All leaders set goals, but to be a great leader you should set SMART goals.


It is normal to struggle to achieve  both short-term and long-term goals. This is due to the structure of goal setting. Most goals are too broad and ambiguous. This is where SMART goals help in leadership and business. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. It’s the framework of how goals should be structured in the business world. 

S for Specific

Most importantly, a SMART goal must be specific. You need to assign a clear metric to be able to prove or disprove the effectiveness of your goal. It needs to be something numeric that is accounted for and can be tested. How many leads do you want? How many friends, followers, or connections?

M for Measurable

How are you going to determine the success of the goal you set? After making the goal specific, you must be able to accurately reflect its success or failure.  In other words, it must be measurable.  For instance, how much more do you want, or how much less do you want? What percentage of growth are you looking to achieve? How much do you want to decrease production or marketing costs?

A for Attainable

What action are you going to put in place to help achieve your goal?  Do you have the resources needed? Do you have a process in place? The goal needs to be well designed so that it is attainable. It shouldn’t be outrageous. Look at what you’re currently working with and use benchmarks. Analytics can provide a great framework for this approach. Keep it simple.

R for Relevant

It is okay to have multiple goals, most businesses do. It is important, however, to weigh the value of those goals. For example, is this a low-effort goal or a high-effort goal? Always relate back to your end goal. Provide something that connects your goal with your potential customers and business endeavors.

T for Timely

Set a date and time for your goal to be completed and stay firm with it.  A timeframe is essential for weekly, monthly, and quarterly check-ins. This will help you see where you’re at and where you need to be.

Achieving your goals helps ensure successful business practices. Achieving your SMART goals helps you become a better leader. This process of setting SMART goals will help you take broad ideas and refine them. Setting and developing goals is essential and beneficial for businesses. Be smart with life, and be SMART with business.

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