5 Tips for Increasing Conversion Through Persuasive Web Design
What do these groups have in common? They’re all people. Specifically, they are categories of people marketers and researchers use to classify and describe behavior.
Understanding behavior in the context of digital marketing requires knowing how to communicate to your users in a non-invasive but persuasive manner.
People Trust What They See
It’s much easier to persuade users to take a specific action through visual stimulus than through conversation or text. This holds true for websites as well. If you hope to persuade a user, a group of users, or the entire internet, you’ll need a basic understanding of what is going on inside their brain.
Most of the time we are working on auto-pilot. With so many decisions to make and options to review, the average user is bombarded with noise. Designers can help filter this noise by appealing to users on an instinctive level.
Here are 5 Ways Persuasive Design Can Help Increase Conversion
1. Complete Clarity
- When a user visits your site for the first time, the first thing they will ask is, “What is this?” followed by instinctive questions like, “What is this site about?” “What can I do here?” “What is there to stay for?” and most importantly, “Will I get the information I need?”
- Steer clear of jargon-heavy slogans and complicated phrasing. Instead, use your copy and organization let users know what they are doing on your site. Show them where to go for additional information and what they need to do to convert.
2. Visual Appeal, Like Sex Appeal for Your Website
- Research shows that when people look at a website, 96% notice the visual appeal more than the actual content. Only 6% notice content. This tells us visual appeal is more instantly recognizable than user experience, so keep your visuals simple and familiar.
3. Size Matters for Constructing a Visual Hierarchy
- This one’s straightforward: our eyes seek out the largest items first, so be sure to make sure the most important thing on your site is also the biggest thing on your site.
4. Keep Attention at Any Cost
- Here are some fun statistics for you: 80% of attention is concentrated “above the fold,” or on the upper half of a web page as it appears without scrolling. 68% of attention is concentrated on the left-hand side of the screen.
- According to Neuroscience, the best way to capture and keep attention is to use large, attractive photos. Larger than life photo backgrounds on landing pages are fantastic at doing this.
5. Keep it to One Call-to-Action Per Screen
- Don’t provide too many calls to action too soon. Settle on a single function for each web page, and make that function clear. Remember tip #1? Good. Stick to it.
- Remember, take the user on a journey first. Deliver information about your product or service throughout, and by the end, the user will be much more likely to convert when the call-to-action is presented.
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